Our Organization


Part of our due diligence as a registered non-profit society and charity is to ensure all our activities are reported publicly and all our funds are accounted for. Please find our annual reports, financial statements, and charitable information below.

Legal Name and Registered Charity

Victoria Restorative Justice Society  
BN # 828761940RR0001 

Annual Reports

Restorative Justice Standards

We adhere to the Principles and Guidelines for Restorative Justice Practice in Criminal Matters (Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat, 2018) and the Recommended Principles and Standards for Restorative Justice Providers in Criminal Matters (BC, 2016). We participated in the Working Group that developed the BC Principles and Standards. 

Privacy and Feedback

Feedback and Complaints

We always welcome feedback about our services and our organization, whether you are a potential, current, or former client. Feedback can be given to any of the staff, caseworkers, or Board Chair, or through this form. We will respond to any service complaint in a timely and effective manner. Please see our Complaints Policy for more details. 


We collect personal information for the sole purpose of delivering quality programs and services. Personal information will be treated as confidential and in a manner that complies with the BC Personal Information Protection Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) as it pertains to specific referral agencies. See our Privacy and Information Management Policy and our Privacy Complaints Policy for more details.

Ethical Framework

An ethical framework is similar to a code of conduct. It states the principles which guide our work and helps our clients and volunteers understand how they can expect to be treated at Restorative Justice Victoria.
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