
Restorative Justice Victoria (RJV) is funded almost entirely through private donations and grants. Each year, we receive $2,500 from the provincial government, and any additional public funding must be requested through grant application-writing for specific initiatives. Needless to say, we depend heavily on our local and provincial community members to fund our activities. Each year, the number and complexity of cases we are referred increases as our reputation as an integral part of the criminal justice system grows. 

The work we do heals the harms our families, friends, and neighbours experience due to a crime and violence. We take this very seriously and hate to have to turn referrals down due to lack of funding. If you want to help us with a financial donation, your money will go to decreasing crime, providing healing, and improving safety for all.

There are many ways to make a financial contribution to RJV. Please choose from the options below:

  • Donate online: Go to our CanadaHelps page. You can pay via credit card, Pay Pal, or interac and can make one-time-only or monthly donations. They email a charitable tax receipt to you.
  • In-person or mail: Dropping off or mailing cash or a cheque to our office (1933 Lee Ave, Victoria, BC V8R 4W9). We can issue you a charitable tax receipt.
  • PECSF: If you’re a provincial government employee, you can donate through the PECSF. We’re listed under our legal name (Victoria Restorative Justice Society), our ID# is DC1701, and our charitable org. # is 828761940RR0001
  • Sponsorship: If you are a business, you can become a sponsor for our annual Restore Your Sole fundraising event, which takes place in the fall. Please contact us directly for details

Other supports we are very grateful for come in the form of volunteer hours, venue donations, and donations of refreshments and supplies. Click here if you are interested in volunteering. Contact us if you have other ideas for how to support RJV.

Current RJ Victoria Needs:

While financial contributions to support our staffing & project goals are critical to our operations and take precedence wherever possible, we also are often in need of smaller office equipment & other things. Please look at our current list of needs and consider making a contribution. Every contribution goes a long way. We thank you for your consideration.

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