What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative justice is a way of thinking about and responding to crime as a violation of people and relationships in addition to law-breaking. It is a philosophy, or a set of principles, that is used around the world in a variety of different contexts. The United Nations Working Group on Restorative Justice defines it in the following way: a process whereby parties with a stake in a particular offence resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future. In essence, we seek to repair the harms caused by crime and violence.
At Restorative Justice Victoria (RJV), we employ processes based on restorative justice philosophy. We use a victim-centred approach, which means resolving the harms the victim suffered informs everything we do. In order for this process to work, the offender must take responsibility for their role in the crime at the outset of the process.
We use a variety of processes and models with the goal of providing a tailored and appropriate response to each case that will best support and meet the needs of participants, with special consideration given to the needs and wishes of the victim.
Our processes are designed around the concepts of safety, dignity, belonging, respect, and connection. To read more about our processes, visit the Our Services page. To read about the transformative and healing experiences past clients have had at RJV, see the Testimonials page.
"RJ showed me the scope of harm that resulted from my actions. I hadn’t realized just how many people can be affected by a single moment, by a single action of mine. In realizing this, I don’t think I would have been able to come to terms with the harm I caused without the supportive volunteers and RJ’s process and agreement terms."