See Justice In A New Light
Please look around at the resources we have on this site, and reach out if you have questions, comments, or if you just want to talk.

What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative justice is a way of thinking about and responding to crime as a violation of people and relationships in addition to law-breaking. It is a philosophy, or a set of principles, that is used around the world in a variety of different contexts.
What will you find on this site?
Restorative Justice at RJV
Restorative justice is practiced in a broad range of ways. Learn about our approach and what you can expect when working with our team.
Victims and Restorative Justice
AT RJV, we take a victim-centred approach to restorative justice. Learn what that means and the opportunities restorative justice can create for you to start healing and move on from the harms created by the crime.
Offenders and Restorative Justice
Our restorative justice practice helps offenders take responsibility for their actions in a way they can feel good about. Learn more about how restorative justice can help you “make things right.”
Victims’ Resources
Being victimized by crime and violence can leave you feeling helpless, overwhelmed, and confused. We want to help you become empowered again. Learn more about the resources available to support you.
Mailing List
Want to stay up-to-date on news at RJV? Join our mailing list and we will send you updates from time to time. It’s easy to remove yourself from the list if you change your mind.
Funders and Partners
We would not exist without the generous support of our funders. Learn more about who they are and our current needs.
What have people said? felt? heard?
Territorial Acknowledgement
now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations, for allowing us to live, work, and play on their traditional lands.